Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Winter Warm-up

Last week it snowed. Today it is sixty degrees. The girls and I took advantage of the weather and went to the park this afternoon. They had a great time running around and playing in the puddles. They got really muddy too but luckily oxi clean was on sale last week.
Unfortunately, just as Maggie was starting to really hit it off with another little girl Lucy started falling asleep and we needed to get home to lunch and naps.
I can't wait for her to start making her own little friends. Next Friday we have a tour at the preschool I hope to send her to in the fall.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Weekend wrap-up

I have been off work for the past four days and it has been awesome. The best part was that my husband was also off Friday and Sunday so we were really able to get some family time in.
Friday night we went to the Lincoln Park zoo to see the Christmas lights.  It was cold but the girls really enjoyed it. It was kind of fun to see all the animals already sleeping and the zoo looked beautiful.
The girls and I spent Saturday with my aunt and grandma. I am so glad the girls get to spend time with their great grandma and I hope they grow up with great memories of her.
Today we spent most of the day around the house. I took down the Christmas decorations and the tree.  It's always bittersweet for me to put the decorations away but it's time for a fresh start in 2013.
Most importantly, we started painting our kitchen today. We finished the first coat and it looks awesome. I'm so excited for this kitchen project to be over!
Here's a cute shot of the girls coloring while my husband was busy sanding.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Giving thanks

Between Christmas and Maggie's third birthday we have been inundated with toys and gifts these past few weeks.
I am so grateful that our girls are blessed with so many people who love them. Now it's time to write the thank you notes. Writing thank you notes was ingrained in me as a small girl and I think it's so important.
This year I thought it would be cute to take some pictures of the girls playing with their presents to send with the thank yous.  Since they got a lot of things we have a lot of pictures to take but I think people will appreciate it. Now I just have to remember what Maggie got for her birthday and what she got for Christmas.
Here are a few pictures of the girls with some of their presents.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I go back and forth about blogging. It seems like fun and I enjoy reading other blogs.  But free time is at a premium for me and I do worry about privacy.
I think I will try to write more and see how out goes.
Wow! How boring!
Devon applied for a bunch of new jobs yesterday.  I can't wait for him to start working enough so that I can quit my part-time job. I also can't wait to get a new job myself.
I am really excited about this new year.  I hope this is the year we really get our shit together.
So, no official resolutions from me this year. Just the plan that this year will be better than last year. And hopefully I will remember to document it here!
Also, how cute are these girls drinking jello water out of shot glasses.  (Don't ask, just enjoy the cute)